Flash drive information extractor. 确保存储芯片,电路板没有问题.
Flash drive information extractor. The application can be useful in diagnosing issues connected with broken USB flash drives; it can 本帖分享了一个免费的Flash Drive Information Extractor程序,可以检测u盘的芯片型号、容量、电流等信息,甚至可以检测sss芯片。该程序适用于Windows系统,不需要安 Phison GetInfo is a portable software that can extract various details about your USB Flash drive, such as the manufacturer, vendor, type, ID, serial number, firmware version, and more. 由于壳子较厚,升温慢,降温也慢,连续写 1. 虽然4k和顺序写入还赶不上nvme直插电脑M. 你用这个网站查一下支不支持。. 根据ChipEasy芯片无忧和ChipGenius芯片精灵的测试结果可知产品的VID为090C,PID为1000,设备版本为1100,查阅 ChipEasy芯片无忧- 数据中心可以大致得知这款盘采用的是由Silicon Motion慧荣科技生产的一颗USB控制器 . For every USB drive event, the following information is displayed: When checking your USB flash drive health, start by scanning the drive with Flash Drive Information Extractor and compare the results against the manufacturer specifications to Flash Drive Information Extractor是一款简易功能强大的u盘闪存检测APP,不清楚主控芯片芯片种类是没法对u盘批量生产的,因此必须使用芯片检测专用工具,这儿共享的也 ChipGenius is a freeware application that extracts and displays information about all the connected USB devices, including flash drives. 大年三十 (2月11日)至 正月十五(2月26日)每天 会 更新一篇评测,请每晚八点持续关注!. 相比金士顿的塑料外壳,SE II才用了类肤质感的锌合金外壳,坚固耐用的同时,手感真TM爽. U盘芯检测工具 (Chip Genius) v4. 2021-5-4 13:06 上传. 1闪存盘评测+量产失败. It can also perform a USB speed test, ChipGenius is a small and portable application which can quickly extract information from connected USB devices on a PC. 搜不到。. 国庆期间,你焊了几个?. SandForce. JMF MaxioTek Maxio. 1107. 芯片精灵 u盘检测 Flash Drive Information Extractor 本帖最后由 geluanfeng 于 2021-5-30 03:40 编辑 毛子出品的u盘检测工具,可以检测芯片精灵检测不出的u盘芯片型号,包括金士顿常用的sss芯片,需要的坛友们可以试试 如果在确定参数时程序“挂起”(如果闪存驱动器出现故障,有时会发生这种情况),则在不试图关闭程序的情况下,只需从USB连接器中取出闪存驱动器。. This information includes Device Name, Drive Letter, VID and PID Numbers, Vendor ID, Product ID, Currently, Chip Information Extractor is in its early stages of development. It provides detailed information such as device Most (all?) Sandisk USB flash drives use Sandisk controller. Утилита Flash Drive Information Extractor, в отличии от двух своих аналогов (ChipEasy и ChipGenius) корректно работает в портах A free and portable tool that can analyze a USB flash drive and provide detailed device information. 2. 虽和公版外壳结构相似,但无论是手感还是细节都要好了太多(当然也不是完美的,后面会说槽点). 根据ChipEasy芯片无忧和ChipGenius芯片精灵的测试结果可知产品的VID为090C,PID为1000,设备版本为1100,查阅 ChipEasy芯片无忧- 数据中心可以大致得知这款盘采用的是由Silicon Motion慧荣科技生产的一颗USB控制器 芯片精灵 u盘检测 Flash Drive Information Extractor 本帖最后由 geluanfeng 于 2021-5-30 03:40 编辑 毛子出品的u盘检测工具,可以检测芯片精灵检测不出的u盘芯片型号,包括金士顿常用的sss芯片,需要的坛友们可以试试 如果在确定参数时程序“挂起”(如果闪存驱动器出现故障,有时会发生这种情况),则在不试图关闭程序的情况下,只需从USB连接器中取出闪存驱动器。. 20. 总听家里的长辈说 版主评测. 全球首款NVME协议的固态U盘 CHIPFANCIER UME NANO,又一次开创了先河。. It's light on system resources, portable, straightforward, helpful, reliable and easy-to-use. Marvell (88NV1120/60) PHISON. It can help users find out the chip USBDeview provides information about devices which have been connected to your computer at virtually any point in time. It works with Windows platforms and supports USB sticks only. Behold! The perfect tool to unravel the mysteries of Download IntelliAdmin USB History Viewer - A user-friendly and portable program that helps you view the USB flash drive history, and information about each USB device, such USBDriveLog is a tool for Windows 10 and Windows 11 that displays a log of all USB drives plugged to your computer. 这些闪存驱动器通常由程序定义。. SMI (SD SSD PSSD (SM2320)) RealTek. - Retrieve information from Phison and SMI-based flash drives. 2。. 固态闪存盘采用SSD固态硬盘主控与算法开发,将USB传输、DDR缓存、主控运算分别交给独立的芯片去运算,从而达到接近于SSD固态硬盘的性能。. Things to be done: - Linux support via python USB Drive Info belongs natively to USBDLM, but is handy standalone too. Flash Drive Information Extractor 9 is a freeware USB drive information app and HDD tool developed by ANTSpec Software for Windows. 值 此新春佳节 之际,我谨 代表萝卜 头IT论坛管理组全体成员祝大家:新春快乐,牛年大吉!. Things working so far: - Windows IO via ctypes/SPTI. A tool like Flash Drive Tester, free download for Windows. 求救求救!. 无论是传承自NANO系列的造型,还是定制模具LOGO下凹式设计,看得 diy is903 U盘+64gIntel闪存 无法量产. USBDeview is a portable application that can list and manage USB devices on your Windows computer. Tenafe. 2接口的速度,但这已经是一种突破了,毕竟在这么小的体积无独立缓存的情况下,表现已经非常不错了。. 3. 确保存储芯片,电路板没有问题. INNOGRIT. Fakes often use a different brand controller (Alcor, Silicon), whatever they could get their hands on. 问题:提示“这个闪存不受支持,闪存型号为 ”(This Flash is not support!Flash 铠侠 KIOXIA 隼闪 U301 USB闪存盘 拆解评测 - 新年特辑 Day 7. Software tool that examines and tests the health of USB flash drives to ensure data integrity and prevent data loss. ] 三星FIT Plus 升级版+ USB3. It works only with Flash drives that CheckUDisk is a free utility that can be used to retrieve hard coded information about USB drives connected to your PC. 区别于普通U盘将所有算法 大部分主控都有,少数冷门主控没有. 7z. Learn how to use it, what it can do, and Flash Drive Information Extractor is a utility that allows to get information about the hardware elements of USB sticks. Features: Three views with Volumes, Drives and connection types (BusTypes) Optional view of non-USB drives Basic utility which shows details about a USB device including version, model, vendor, aligned state, partition type of the flash vendor. 点击文件名下载 说到固态硬盘和u盘,最多谈到的就是白片,黑片,主控,方案。很多的存储设备无法拆解,怎么知道我们购买、使用的固态硬盘和u盘是不是黑心,维修量产要用到哪些工具? SSFD (Solid State Flash Drive),固态闪存盘,是由论坛Hashimoto版主为 CHIPFANCIER 磁盘创造的词。.